Even in this era of gloom, an individual can create wealth by being prudent and investing in the right financial products, says Vidyalaxmi
Slowdown. The word features in every conversation these days. Stock market gurus advise you to tread with caution because of the slowdown. Your boss tells you to be patient for a better hike; again, because of the slowdown. The slowdown menace has even forced you to cut short your holiday abroad this year... In short, the uneasy presence of slowdown is a permanent feature in the lives of most common folks these days.
KEY SIGNS “A slowdown is a situation in which GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth slows down but does not decline,” says Dipen Shah, head of fundamental research at Kotak Securities. For example, if the GDP growth of any country goes down from 5% to 3%, the economy can be said to be experiencing a slowdown. “It is a period of slow economic growth, especially the one that follows a period of high growth.” A slowdown can be interpreted in several ways. “From an economist’s perspective, a slowdown means lower IIP growth, lower power generation, slowdown in automobile, lower growth in cement dispatches, etc,” says Rajesh Kothari, MD, AlfAccurate Advisors.
For individuals, it could be a single-digit increase in wages or no pay hikes or even pay cuts. They would also notice that there are few or no new property launches, hiring freezes, sales and discounts in non-sale months, and downsizing in corporate travels and other perks. “For an individual, it means prices are shooting up without the corresponding increase in income. Investments may also not do too well, especially if it is related to equities,” says Suresh Sadagopan, certified financial planner, Ladder 7 Financial Advisories. However, typically an individual would notice the impact of a slowdown only when it is in an advanced stage and it starts pinching his wallet badly. “As an example, when Infosys employees came to know they are not going to get an increment, they knew they are in the middle of a slowdown,” says Suresh Sadagopan.
For individuals, it could be a single-digit increase in wages or no pay hikes or even pay cuts. They would also notice that there are few or no new property launches, hiring freezes, sales and discounts in non-sale months, and downsizing in corporate travels and other perks. “For an individual, it means prices are shooting up without the corresponding increase in income. Investments may also not do too well, especially if it is related to equities,” says Suresh Sadagopan, certified financial planner, Ladder 7 Financial Advisories. However, typically an individual would notice the impact of a slowdown only when it is in an advanced stage and it starts pinching his wallet badly. “As an example, when Infosys employees came to know they are not going to get an increment, they knew they are in the middle of a slowdown,” says Suresh Sadagopan.
INCOME AND FUTURE EARNINGS A slowdown reduces employment opportunities. “Further potential raises or pay hikes may be put on hold or become more modest than in the past. In some cases, it may even lead to job losses since managements’ focus may shift from growth to improving productivity,” says Vishal Kapoor, head (wealth management), Standard Chartered Bank. Since the bargaining power of the employees diminishes, they may have to endure salary cuts, increased working hours, tougher appraisals, and so on. “However, if one is able to build on one’s skills (say, through executive education courses or vocational training) during this period, they will surely be better positioned to take advantage of the next upswing,” says Jayant Pai, certified financial planner, Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services (PPFAS).
IMPACT ON CONSUMPTION “When people read these news, they tend to spend less as they are uncertain about their future and save somewhat more. In our case, saving more also is a bit of a problem due to the persistent high inflation,” says Suresh Sadagopan. Sure, one can’t cut down on spending on basic necessities, but discretionary spending, like on automobile and holidays, could take a back seat. “Since discretionary consumption (such as holidays, purchase of automobiles, etc.) may be put on hold, all sectors dependent on such expenditures are adversely affected. This in turn affects the economy overall,” says Jayant Pai. “In a high interest rate regime, consumers may also shy away from loans. Government policy measures can try to stimulate demand by encouraging consumption to move the economy out of recession in a primarily a consumption driven economy,” says Vishal Kapoor.
IMPACT ON INVESTMENTS “Volatility can offer good opportunity for those who understand and have experience of investing in risky assets. There is often attractive value in many investments, presenting opportunities to lower average price or buy into afresh,” says Vishal Kapoor. “There may be a few sectors which are either not impacted by domestic economy (IT or other export oriented sectors) or are relatively less impacted. Also, in all sectors, there will always be companies which have strong balance sheets and managements,” says Dipen Shah of Kotak Securities. These companies will be able to tide over the slowdown. Such stocks should be identified for investments. “Investing through SIPs in a couple of diversified equity funds could be more effective over the entire economic cycle,” says Jayant Pai. “Capital protection often becomes a key requirement, and a mix of debt and equity strategies that provide capital protection based strategies have been relative outperformers as well,” adds Kapoor.
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